Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

assigment 6- describing place


Canteen is my favorite place when I'm in hungry, it's located at Realino complex. most of students in Sanatha Dharma University like to have their lunch there, the menu provides in there are ; soto, lotek, chicken ball soup, and also vegetable. canteen also provides many kinds of drink, like fruit juice, ice tea, lemon tea, coffee, and soda-drink.

If you're just finished your class and feel hungry, just go to canteen, there's a football yard in the east of the canteen, you can take the fastest way by walking around the football yard, by taking the west side or the north side. There you may not have any empty chair to sit, especially at busy hours (11a.m-2p.m), so it's a good idea if you go there before 11.

There are many chairs and tables there, you can choose the most comfortable spot to eat. I recommend you to take the south side of canteen, there you'll feel the fresh air and a good view of nature. There are many plants grow in there, so the air is very fresh if you take the south spot.

most of Students of Sanatha Dharma University like to spent their time by hanging out there, chat with friends, do some jokes and sometime work their job. So in conclusion is that most of them fulfill the canteen not only for having lunch, but also for another things they like to do. Some people usually bring laptop there, for browsing or working their job, so if you interest, just come there and feel the sphere! :P